
As a PAXSTORE Premium Marketplace user, you can sign up for our value-added service. GoInsight is a powerful analytics tool with predefined reporting already available to simplify data-driven decision-making.

Unlock Custom Reporting

GoInsight, with its flexible features, allows Marketplace owners to capture and analyze data efficiently to create custom reporting for their business needs. This predefined reporting feature is available in the GoInsight value-added services in your Premium MP.

Filter Data Effortlessly

Reporting filters can be applied in various ways, such as filtering by Reseller, Merchant, Model, and more. After signing up for GoInsight, you will have predefined reports already available to you. We have already done the work for you.

Stay on top of key changes

Monitor devices and alert device administrators when devices are reaching predefined conditions. Proactively address mobile device and application issues before they become a bigger problem.

Make the right decisions

Transform raw data into remarkable outcomes rapidly. GoInsight helps enterprises to implement data-driven policies to boost business growth and improve operational performance. Close the gap between data, insight and action.

How can GoInsight help in your business?

Out-of-the-Box dashboards

More than just devices

Discover your own insights

Find the problem before it happens

See what GoInsight can do

Collecting Device Basic Data

Custom Data Sources

Self-Service Analysis


Data Permissions

Export Reports

Predefined Reports

Alerts and Notifications

Customize Your Payment Solutions Today

Want to experience a secure, efficient, and totally customizable payment solution? Get in touch today to get started.

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